Euroscopic Podcast
Euroscopic Podcast
Euroscopic S219: European elections, now what?

Euroscopic S219: European elections, now what?

The far-right "wins" a European parliamentary election that was the liberals' to lose; EU power moves to Meloni's Rome as Macron and Scholz flop; but if all else fails, at least there's cacio e pepe.
Cross-post from Euroscopic Podcast
Catch up with the most recent Euroscopic episode, getting the latest on the impact of European elections. -

Let the somber postmortems and insider jockeying begin! The result of the 2024 European elections this week was, broadly speaking, what we all figured it would be. The populist right and illiberal voices did alright, but the lefty-ish folks held their own. The Macrons and Scholzs of the bloc more or less collapsed, while the Green wave of 2019 is all but washed up. And … they kinda deserve it?

What did seem pretty clear is that voters — the roughly 50% of them who voted, at least — are unhappy with politics as usual.

Discussing what happened and what now, Euroscopic brings a fine group of EUobserver reporters to the podcast table: Viktória Serdült in Hungary, Valentina Saini in Italy, and Piet Ruig in Brussels returns from last week to look to France.

No, really. There was cacio e pepe.

So pull up a chair of your own, dig into some cacio e pepe, and listen along to a special episode recorded together from the heart of any home, and the source of all politics: the home kitchen.


Listen in and stay tuned as we further develop this venture with our partner, EUobserver. We welcome your feedback, so be in touch! You can subscribe hereand get us where your ears go for podcasts:

Among other things, Martin Gak writes Inconclusive Thoughts; and William Glucroft writes The ‘Schland. We’d love to see you over there, too!

As a tiny operation, we do our best to spellcheck, factcheck, and contextualize all the information presented in the podcast. But pobody’s nerfect. If you hear something that doesn’t sound right — write! We welcome your feedback.

Euroscopic Podcast
Euroscopic Podcast
What happens when a journalist from America's north and one from America's south see the world from where they met: the center of Europe. Join us for news, insights, and analysis about the week that was and why.
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Appears in episode
Martin Gak
William Noah Glucroft